Hello and welcome to inkandfrosting!
I am glad you’re here. Hopefully, you have a good cup of coffee/tea in hand and a relatively quiet moment.
We love lots of different things, don’t we? Our family and friends. We have favorite movies and books and places we go. There are colors to adore, foods we crave, and hobbies only we understand. I love to write and bake; that is how inkandfrosting came to be.
So, let’s have fun baking together, sharing life, laughing, and maybe even shedding an occasional sentimental tear.
As we journey together, I wish these things for you…
May each day bring you something to be thankful for.
May a full moon, bright against the night sky, take your breath away.
May you have one pair of comfy pajamas that warm you like a best friend.
May grace and mercy surround all your days.
May you make time for others and be kind, be kind.
May there be one person you could call morning, noon, or night.
May a real love find you…or you find real love.
May no tears fall over spilled milk, burnt cookies, or lukewarm coffee.
May the porch light always be on.
And may the inkandfrosting in your life bring you joy and happiness.